Ruan Mei Full Guide ❀
Updated for 3.0; Written by mr.swedishfish and nv50, Edited by m4raku and euphriia, Calculations provided by agentyoda, m4raku, drachk, sealary, and nv50
"Humans overestimate the infallibility of logic, and in clinging to reason can become slaves to their emotions. Science is born from fanaticism — it is a gift."
Guide Updates
Patch 3.0 Updates
Guide Updates (Patch 3.0)
The following are the newest additions and changes to our guide with the release of patch 3.0.
New Relic Recommendations
Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal is a relic set released in 2.6 and intended for single-target buffers like Sunday and Tingyun. While the 4PC passive doesn't benefit Ruan Mei, as she is a teamwide buffer, its 2PC passive is exactly the same as Messenger Traversing Hackerspace. In other words, this set allows for another source of SPD, so you can farm this set for fuel efficiency if you need the Scholar Lost in Erudition set for another character! Check out which relic sets you can use on Ruan Mei in our 4PC Relic Set Recommendations section!
New Character Comparisons
Fugue, who was recently resurrected by Ruan Mei herself, debuts with a new and upgraded 5-star form in patch 2.7. Previously known as Tingyun, she has now cast aside her Harmony combat path, becoming a Nihility character who debuffs enemies. However, Fugue still retains support capabilities, allowing a single ally to ignore weaknesses and the entire team to deal Super Break damage. With Fugue joining the cast of Break supports, many players have been wondering if they should cast aside Ruan Mei for Fugue in their Break teams. Is it worth the switch? Find out by checking out our Character Comparisons section!
Jiaoqiu, a debuffer, pairs great with Nihility characters such as Acheron. He also has DoT in his kit, allowing him to fit in Kafka DoT teams. While Jiaoqiu isn't a buffer like Ruan Mei, but rather a debuffer, his support capabilities synergize well with other Nihility characters despite losing out on some teamwide damage. Does he replace Ruan Mei in DoT team compositions? Is it worth switching her out for some extra DPS? Check out our updated Character Comparisons section to find out!
Updated Synergies
Rappa joins the growing cast of Break DPS characters, and at this point, everyone knows that every Break DPS wants Ruan Mei on their team. Rappa, unlike previous Break DPS characters, is an Erudition character who focuses on AOE attacks, making her a great option for Pure Fiction and battles with multiple enemies. As she relies on breaking enemies to deal damage, Ruan Mei is a must-have for Rappa. Find out Ruan Mei's other great and not-so-great teammates by checking out our Teammates Section!
Fugue joins Harmony Trailblazer as the second Super Break-enabling character in patch 2.7. Unlike HMC, whose Super Break enabling is locked to their ultimate, Fugue's Super Break is enabled to the entire team just from her existing in the team. Additionally, Fugue provides several other support capabilities, such as weakness ignore on her ultimate, allowing a single ally to ignore all weaknesses, DEF shred, Break Effect boost for the entire time, sub-DPS damage, and more. Outside of being a HMC alternative, Fugue is highly synergistic with Ruan Mei. Ruan Mei is the game's premier break support, so her buffs only directly benefit Fugue's skills. Whether you need a second HMC for your break team, a rainbow breaker, or just another Break unit, make sure to pair her with Ruan Mei if you can!
New Team Composition: Hyper Break Team
As Fugue joins the growing cast of Break supports, many people have wondered if they should replace their existing characters to slot in Fugue. How about going sustainless, or even DPS Lingsha, instead? This new and unique team composition, the Hyper Break team, allows for high damage output for any Break DPS at the cost of less sustain. Not to worry, though! With Ruan Mei's Weakness Recovery Delay and Weakness Break Efficiency, enemies will be defeated before they'll have a chance to attack. Check out Ruan Mei's various team compositions in our Team Compositions section!
Patch 2.5 Updates
Guide Updates (Patch 2.5)
The following are the newest additions and changes to our guide with the release of patch 2.5.
New Relic Recommendations
Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge is a relic set released in 2.3 and intended for Super Break DPS characters like Firefly. While the 4PC passive doesn't benefit Ruan Mei, its 2PC passive is exactly the same as other commonly used relic sets like Thief of Shooting Meteor and Watchmaker, Dream of Machinations. In other words, this set allows for another source of Break Effect, so you can farm this set for fuel efficiency if you need The Wind-Soaring Valorous set for another character! Check out which relic sets you can use on Ruan Mei in our 4PC Relic Set Recommendations section!
Lushaka, the Sunken Seas, a new planar ornament set released in 2.5, joins Sprightly Vonwacq and Penacony, Land of the Dreams as another Energy Regeneration Rate set. As Ruan Mei is heavily reliant on ERR due to her Ultimate being highly valuable, this set is already a viable alternative for her. Furthermore, its passive is less restrictive than the Penacony set and can accomodate more team compositions, making it a great option for Ruan Mei. Check out Ruan Mei's other viable planar ornaments in our 2PC Planar Ornament Recommendations section!
Updated Synergies and Anti-Synergies
Following the patch 2.4 update, March 7th (Hunt) makes her debut with a new path, meant to benefit FUA and break-focused characters. March 7th deals quite a lot of Toughness damage on her own, and her Enhanced Basic Attack can pack a punch. Having Ruan Mei on her team can only benefit March's damage output. Want to learn more about Ruan Mei's best teammates and synergies? Read more about Ruan Mei's best and not-as-great teammates in our Teammates Section.
Lingsha joins Gallagher as the second sustain character with break mechanics in patch 2.5. Like Gallagher, Lingsha's additional healing also scales off Break Effect and she aims to break enemies faster, both of which Ruan Mei benefits. Ruan Mei is the game's premier break support, so her buffs only directly benefit Lingsha's support and utility capabilities. Whether you need a second Gallagher for your break team, a FUA sustain, or just another sustain in general, make sure to pair her with Ruan Mei if you can!
Yunli, the new Physical Destruction DPS released in patch 2.4, has been added to the list of anti-synergies with Ruan Mei. Because she is a counter-focused character like Clara, Ruan Mei's Weakness Break Extension does not synergize well with Yunli's skills.
New Section Addition: Light Cone Distribution with Harmony Trailblazer
Ever wondered who should get which light cone in your HMC and Ruan Mei Break teams? As HMC and Ruan Mei are both break-focused Harmony characters, their light cone options are very similar. In fact, Ruan Mei's signature light cone is not only HMC's BiS light cone, it even works better for HMC than Ruan Mei! Find out which light cones you should use for these two characters in our newly added Light Cone Distribution with Harmony Trailblazer section!
Patch 2.3 Updates
Guide Updates (Patch 2.3)
The following are the newest additions and changes to our guide with the release of patch 2.3.
New Character Comparisons
Following the patch 2.2 story update, Harmony Trailblazer is the newest break-focused Harmony character added to the game. As the protagonist, they are free to obtain and a great budget alternative to Ruan Mei. Their unique Super Break mechanic, which was introduced along with their release, allows for characters who deal high Toughness DMG to deal high amounts of damage! How does the Trailblazer compare to Ruan Mei in break teams? Are they just a "discount Ruan Mei" for those who missed out on Ruan Mei? Or do they provide their own value to the table? Find out by checking out our updated Character Comparisons section!
Robin, Penacony's beloved singer and follower of Xipe, joins the game's roster of outstanding limited 5-star Harmony characters alongside Sparkle and Ruan Mei. Like Ruan Mei and unlike Sparkle, Robin is focused on teamwide buffs, making her a decent competitor to Ruan Mei. While Robin clearly shines the most in FUA teams, she, like the other limited 5-star Harmony characters, is a great option for general use as well. Who is the true queen of Harmony, however? Check out our updated Character Comparisons section to find out!
New Light Cone: Flowing Nightglow
With Robin's release comes a new 5-star Harmony light cone, Flowing Nightglow. While it's obvious it is tailored for Robin, how does this light cone compare to Ruan Mei's other amazing options? Does it compare to Sparkle's or Bronya's light cones? Is it comparable to Ruan Mei's already amazing light cone options such as MotP or Meshing Cogs? Find out by checking out our updated Light Cone Recommendations for Ruan Mei!
Updated Synergies
Following the patch 2.1 update, Gallagher is introduced as the first sustain character with break mechanics, meant to benefit Nihility characters such as Acheron. His additional healing also scales off Break Effect, which Ruan Mei buffs. As Ruan Mei is the game's premier break support, her buffs only directly benefit Gallagher's support and utility capabilities. Want to learn more about Ruan Mei's best teammates and synergies? Read more about Ruan Mei's best and not-as-great teammates in our Teammates Section.
While Harmony Trailblazer may be seen as a direct competitor to Ruan Mei, as both characters are focused on buffing break damage characters, HMC actually works incredibly well with Ruan Mei as a teammate! Both characters provide different buffs, meaning there will be no diminishing returns in buffs, yet both effectively support break-DMG DPS characters. Ruan Mei's buffs also directly buffs HMC's Super Break mechanic, as Super Break depends on how much Toughness DMG a character deals and whether the enemy is Weakness Broken or not. In break-focused teams, pairing HMC and Ruan Mei together is a must.
Following the 2.2 patch update comes the game's first ever limited 5-star break-focused character. Boothill, the foul-mouthed and optimistic Galaxy Ranger, can implant Physical Weakness on enemies, allowing him to break enemies more easily. His Pocket Trickshot passive also greatly benefits from Ruan Mei's Weakness Break extension, Weakness Break efficiency increase, and Break Effect increase. This, along with Boothill's enemy action delay, is a great defensive and offensive combination for your team!
Patch 2.3 features the fan-favorite and long-awaited Stellaron Hunter, Firefly, also known as SAM. Ironically (due to their relations to the Swarm Disaster), these two characters work extremely well together. Like Boothill, Firefly can implant Fire Weakness on enemies, allowing her to break enemies more easily. Furthermore, Firefly can reduce the Toughness of enemies without Fire Weakness on her ultimate. Due to Firefly's damage being reliant on Super Break, Firefly greatly benefits from Ruan Mei's Weakness Break extension, Weakness Break efficiency increase, and Break Effect increase. As Firefly's first banner is running alongside Ruan Mei's rerun, it is necessary to try to obtain both characters if you plan to pull for Firefly. Ruan Mei is a must-have for this Stellaron Hunter!
Patch 2.0 Updates
Guide Updates (Patch 2.0)
The following are the newest additions and changes to our guide with the release of patch 2.0.
New Relic Set: Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations
This new relic set not only increases Break Effect for Ruan Mei by a hefty amount, it also increases Break Effect for the entire team. Due to this new Break Effect-focused relic set, many may wonder if making the switch to this set is necessary for Ruan Mei. Find out what set is right for you by checking out our updated 4PC Relic Set Recommendations for Ruan Mei!
New Light Cone: Earthly Escapade
With the release of Sparkle, the newest and second limited Harmony character, comes a new 5-star light cone, Earthly Escapade. How does this light cone compare to other existing options? Is it better than Bronya's light cone? Maybe even Meshing Cogs? Is it worth pulling if you've missed Ruan Mei's last light cone banner? Or is it just something that only Sparkle can benefit from? Find out by checking out our updated Light Cone Recommendations for Ruan Mei!
Updated Synergy and Anti-Synergies
Misha joins the growing number of Ice DPS characters following the patch 2.0 update. Because of the Penacony, Land of Dreams relic set, which encourages the usage of Ice DPS characters with Ruan Mei, and his rarity, Misha is a potential budget option to use with Ruan Mei. His ultimate, which freezes enemies, pairs well with Ruan Mei's Weakness Break extension, causing enemy actions to be further delayed. With Misha's freeze and Ruan Mei's delay, enemies won't even have a chance to act! Read more about Ruan Mei's best and not-as-great teammates in our Teammates Section.
Seele has been added to the list of anti-synergies with Ruan Mei due to the fact that Ruan Mei can "steal" Seele's kills, preventing her from triggering her Resurgence passive. However, Ruan Mei is still a top pick for Seele due to her universal buffs.
Ruan Mei is a 5-star Ice Harmony character and Member #81 of the Genius Society. As the first-ever limited 5-star Harmony character, Ruan Mei faces high expectations. These expectations especially concern her performance in relation to other high-value Harmony characters, such as Tingyun, Bronya, and Asta, as well as her overall utility and usage. Does she hold a candle to them, or is she outshined by their incredible support value? Read this guide to learn how to optimize Ruan Mei effectively, find out her best builds, and see how she can fit into your teams!
Ruan Mei TLDR
Ruan Mei is a support character capable of increasing allies' Weakness Break Efficiency, SPD, and All-Type RES PEN(1). At the same time, Ruan Mei can also deal additional Break DMG whenever allies Weakness Break an enemy, causing the Weakness Broken enemies' actions to be further delayed.
- RES PEN is short for resistance penetration. What is RES PEN and how does it work? Check out the Trace Overview section and read more about it in her Ultimate description!
If you need a quick overview on Ruan Mei and how to build her, you can check the infographic below or check our Quick Guide.
Pros and Cons
Why should you use and build Ruan Mei? Should you pull for Ruan Mei over other units? While she is admittedly high-cost for the average player as a limited 5-star character, she still provides a lot of utility as a strong support character. She certainly lives up to the daunting title of the first limited Harmony character, especially shining with her All-Type RES PEN, full-team buffs, and the fact that she's SP positive(1). However, she is not an absolute must-pull, so ultimately the choice is yours to make based on your own personal needs and opinions.
- SP positive, or skill point positive, refers to when a character generates more skill points than uses them. Ruan Mei is considered SP positive because her skill, which uses one skill point, lasts for three turns. This means that two out of three of her turns will be basic attacks, generating a net positive amount of skill points for her team.
- Ruan Mei's ultimate provides All-Type RES PEN, which is very valuable
- Ruan Mei functions as a highly flexible team-wide support character
- As a universal buffer, Ruan Mei will likely remain a strong character even in the future
- Ruan Mei is SP positive
- Ruan Mei is super pretty!
- Ruan Mei is a limited 5-star character, so she's not as easily accessible as other characters
- Ruan Mei doesn't replace existing Harmony characters who are already considered very good
- Ruan Mei is not a "must pull" for your account
Playstyle Strategy
Because Ruan Mei is SP positive and her skill lasts for three turns, it is recommended to follow a Skill > Basic > Basic playstyle. Her skill should generally be used before your DPS characters take action so that your DPS can be buffed. With Ruan Mei's technique, 2pc Vonwacq, or enough SPD, this can easily be achieved. Her technique also saves one skill point at the start of battle, allowing even easier access.
Ideally, you want to cast Ruan Mei's ultimate every three turns (this will be referred to as 3T ult). This is so you can have as much ultimate uptime as possible. Ruan Mei's value mostly comes from her ultimate, so higher uptime means more buffs. The problem is that this is pretty difficult to achieve. Her signature light cone does not provide enough energy to achieve a 3T ult, and Energy Recharge buffs and stats are extremely rare.
Is 3T ult really necessary, though? Not really, but it is ideal. It is more important to reach the minimum recommended Break Effect (160%) before focusing on a 3T ult. If you're comfortable with casting Ruan Mei's ultimate every four turns instead, then that's fine! While you may lose out on some buffs, Ruan Mei certainly isn't "unplayable" with a 4T ult. Again, it is more important to focus on having at least 160% Break Effect.
Still, it is best to try to optimize your ultimate uptime as much as possible. Even if you can't achieve a 3T ult, you should still try to make the most of your energy and ult as much as you can with what you have. It is best to aim for 4T ult as a minimum goal and 3T as the ideal.
If you are unsure if you are able to achieve a 3T or 4T ultimate with what you have, you can check our Energy Requirements section in this guide!
Ruan Mei's traces are mainly focused on buffing her allies, specifically around break mechanics. She relies on a high amount of break effect, and she buffs Break Effect and Weakness Break Efficiency for her allies.
Trace Priority
Ruan Mei's value comes from her ultimate and her skill. As a Harmony character, she focuses on buffing her allies rather than dealing high amounts of damage. Her ultimate and skill boost her allies' damage, her ultimate increases the RES PEN(1) of her allies, and her skill increases the overall damage and Weakness Break Efficiency of her allies. This causes these two traces to be her most valued traces and the ones that should receive the most priority.
- RES PEN is short for resistance penetration. What is RES PEN and how does it work? Check out the Trace Overview below and read more about it in her Ultimate description!
Ruan Mei's ascension traces are also quite decent. Her second and fourth ascension traces are very useful in improving her support capabilities, and they should definitely be activated.
Trace Overview
Basic ATK: Threading Fragrance
Deals a minor amount of Ruan Mei’s ATK as ICE DMG to a single enemy. Generates 20 Energy for Ruan Mei.
This trace should be the least prioritized, as it deals very minimal damage. Furthermore, Ruan Mei relies on break effect stats rather than CRIT stats, so this trace will not be very useful.
Skill: String Sings Slow Swirls
Ruan Mei gains Overtone, lasting for 3 turns and decreases in 1 usage at the start of her turn. While Overtone is active, all allies’ DMG increases and Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 50%. Generates 30 Energy for Ruan Mei.
This is one of Ruan Mei's most valuable traces. However, as mentioned above, Ruan Mei is SP positive, meaning that she will use a Skill > Basic > Basic playstyle. In turn, this means that her skill does not need to be prioritized over her ultimate, which is her most important trace. Furthermore, as Ruan Mei's passives already buff her allies' DMG, leveling up her skill will lead to diminishing returns. Despite this, you'll still want to level this trace as much as possible eventually. First prioritize her ultimate, and then prioritize this trace.
Ultimate: Petals to Stream, Repose in Dream
Ruan Mei deploys a field that lasts for 2 turns. The field's duration decreases by 1 at the start of her turn.
While inside the field, all allies' All-Type RES PEN increases and their attacks apply Thanatoplum Rebloom to the enemies hit.
When these enemies attempt to recover from Weakness Break, Thanatoplum Rebloom is triggered, extending the duration of their Weakness Break, delaying their action by an amount equal to a portion of Ruan Mei's Break Effect plus 10%, and dealing Break DMG equal to a portion of Ruan Mei's Ice Break DMG.
Enemy targets cannot have Thanatoplum Rebloom re-applied to them until they recover from Weakness Break.
It is highly recommended to level Ruan Mei's ultimate. This is her bread and butter, and it is what makes her very valuable to your team. The reason why this trace should be highly prioritized is due to the All-Type RES PEN that it provides, making Ruan Mei a universal shredder.
What is RES PEN and how does it work?
RES PEN, short for Resistance Penetration, refers to when the character ignores the enemy's resistance. This is an incredibly useful stat, as enemy resistance affects the damage it takes quite significantly. With RES PEN, your damage output increases greatly, especially against enemies with high resistance.
For example, if an enemy has 0% Ice RES, they will take 100% of the Ice DMG inflicted on them. With 25% RES PEN, the enemy will now take 125% of the Ice DMG received. This means that your damage will increase by 25%.
If an enemy has 60% Ice RES, they will only take 40% of the Ice DMG inflicted on them. Without RES PEN, you will lose out on a lot of damage due to the enemy's resistance. With 25% RES PEN, however, the enemy's Ice RES drops from 60% to 35%. This means that the Ice DMG it receives is now 65% instead of 40%. While this doesn't look all that impressive, the DMG dealt has increased by 62.5%, which is quite a lot!
In conclusion, RES PEN is incredibly valuable. Ruan Mei provides All-Type RES PEN, meaning that she is able to decrease all types of enemy resistance, making her a flexible and strong support.
Talent: Somatotypical Helix
Increases SPD for the team (excluding Ruan Mei). When allies Break an enemy target's Weakness, Ruan Mei deals to this enemy target Break DMG equal to a portion of her Ice Break DMG.
This trace is nice to have, giving allies a free SPD boost. However, it does not increase SPD by very much, and it should not be relied on for SPD tuning, so it shouldn't be prioritized over others.
A2: Candle Lights on Still Waters
In battle, for every 10% of Ruan Mei's Break Effect that exceeds 120%, her Skill additionally increases allies' DMG by 6%, up to a maximum of 36%.
This trace should definitely be prioritized. When Ruan Mei's Break Effect reaches 180% or higher in combat, her allies will recieve a free 36% DMG increase from her skill. This is also why having at least 160% Break Effect (because Ruan Mei gains 20% Break Effect from her Inert Respiration trace in combat) is recommended.
A4: Days Wane, Thoughts Wax
Ruan Mei regenerates 5 Energy at the start of her turn.
This trace should be prioritized. Because Ruan Mei's ultimate is important, she needs as much energy as she can get. This trace also makes 3T ult possible and helps with Ruan Mei's energy management.
A6: Inert Respiration
Increases Break Effect by 20% for all allies.
This trace is decent, but it's not as valuable as the other ascension stats. Still, it is recommended to prioritize this trace. It helps make reaching the recommended 180% Break Effect threshold easier, allowing you to invest in other stats, and it benefits any allies who need Break Effect. NOTE: THIS TRACE DOES NOT TAKE EFFECT UNTIL YOU ARE IN BATTLE. Outside of combat, Ruan Mei should have at least 160% Break Effect.
Most players won't be pulling for eidolons, especially because Ruan Mei's base kit is already amazing, but in case you are someone who wants to know which eidolon is the best, we have you covered. If you manage to get lucky or have some extra funds, it is recommended to pull for Ruan Mei's E1. Her first eidolon is extremely powerful and offers a free DEF shred. Between E1 and signature LC, definitely pull for Ruan Mei's E1.
Eidolon Overview
While the Ultimate's field is deployed, the DMG dealt by all allies ignores 20% of the target's DEF.
- Ruan Mei's best eidolon
- Between E1 and LC, prioritize E1
- Offers unconditional DEF shred (think 4PC Genius set)
With Ruan Mei on the field, all allies increase their ATK by 40% when dealing damage to enemies with Weakness Break.
- Mediocre eidolon
- Generic team-wide DMG increase
- Allows for allies to use SPD boots
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
- Generally good eidolon
- Levels up talent and ultimate, which is quite valuable
- Not necessary for Ruan Mei
When an enemy target's Weakness is Broken, Ruan Mei's Break Effect increases by 100% for 3 turn(s).
- Mediocre eidolon
- Allows for stat redistribution
- General increase in personal DMG
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
- Underwhelming eidolon
- Ruan Mei's Basic ATK should be least prioritized
- Only get E5 if you plan to get E6
Extends the duration of the Ultimate's field by 1 turn(s). The Talent's Break DMG multiplier additionally increases by 200%.
- Ruan Mei's second best eidolon
- Higher ultimate uptime, which is very valuable
- Significant increase in Ruan Mei's personal DMG
Light Cones
Ruan Mei's light cone situation is quite interesting. Her signature light cone, while it is quite good due to the raw stats it offers, does not provide enough energy to achieve 3T ult. This makes other budget-friendly options a viable choice for Ruan Mei, and some can even compare to or outperform Ruan Mei's signature light cone. We won't deny that Ruan Mei's light cone is extremely beautiful, though. If you are unsure of which light cone works best for your energy needs, check out our Energy Requirements section.
Light Cone Recommendations
Light Cone | Notes |
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Past Self in Mirror is Ruan Mei's signature and best in slot light cone. While it doesn't provide a lot of energy to ensure a 3T ultimate, you only need to be hit once or twice to achieve a 3T ult. The other benefits it provides, including high SP positivity, are quite powerful as well, allowing it to slightly edge out S5 MotP. It greatly reduces the need for Break Effect, allowing you to invest in other stats. Ironically, this light cone performs much better on HMC than on Ruan Mei. If you are deciding whether to pull for E1 or S1, pull for E1. |
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Memories of the Past is Ruan Mei's best 4-star light cone and a great budget alternative to PSiM. It provides Ruan Mei's most needed stats, Break Effect and energy. At S3+, Ruan Mei only needs to be hit once to ensure a 3T ultimate. At S5, it competes with PSiM because it guarantees a 3T ultimate. If you already have S5 MotP, it is generally not recommended to pull for PSiM because the difference between the two light cones is marginal. The only exceptions to this is if you plan to use HMC with Ruan Mei and don't have two S5 MotPs on hand. |
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Meshing Cogs, a popular budget light cone choice for Harmony characters due to the energy it provides, is a very viable option for Ruan Mei. Because it is a 3-star light cone, it is easily accessible for F2P players. At S5, this light cone outperforms S2 MotP due to the energy it provides. However, because it does not provide Break Effect, it generally performs worse than PSiM and S5 MotP. Still, if the minimum Break Effect can be achieved, this light cone is a very strong option for Ruan Mei. |
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Earthly Escapade is Sparkle's signature light cone. While it doesn't provide any energy, which also means its crit buff passive only has about 50% uptime, the buffs it provides still prove useful. However, because it does not provide any of Ruan Mei's needed stats, it is a much more viable option for Sparkle, as it is tailor-made for her. |
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Flowing Nightglow is Robin's signature light cone. This lightcone may be a great source of energy, especially if your team consists of characters who attack a lot. It can also provide a decent damage boost. However, the damage boost has only about a 33% uptime, and Ruan Mei doesn't make use of the attack buff. Thus, this light cone is a much more viable option for Robin, as it is tailor-made for her. |
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Dance! Dance! Dance! is a possible option due to its basic utility, which advances forward all allies upon casting the wearer's ultimate. However, because it does not provide any of Ruan Mei's needed stats, it is not recommended over the above options. |
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Planetary Rendezvous is an option for Ruan Mei if you are using her in Ice teams. However, Ruan Mei already provides DMG buffs for her allies, and having more leads to diminishing returns. Furthermore, this light cone does not provide Break Effect or Energy, Ruan Mei's most needed stats. |
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But the Battle Isn't Over, Bronya's signature light cone, is generally NOT recommended unless at high superimpositions. The only parts of it that benefit Ruan Mei are the energy and SP it provides, but it is not enough to justify using it over the above options. |
Light Cone Distribution with Harmony Trailblazer
As break-focused teams are becoming more common, Ruan Mei will be often paired with HMC. The problem is that both characters require high amounts of Break Effect and are both Harmony characters, meaning that given the available Harmony light cones, they will often need the same or similar light cones. Who should receive which light cone?
Because HMC makes better use of Ruan Mei's signature light cone than Ruan Mei does and benefits more from Break Effect rather than ERR, it is recommended to give HMC the light cone that provides more Break Effect and Ruan Mei the light cone with more ERR. Ruan Mei's Break Effect needs are far less than HMC's, but she needs much more ERR. Below is a chart that shows who should use which light cone based on your light cone availability. If the light cone in the chart has no superimposition specified, any superimposition will suffice.
Relic Sets
Ruan Mei mainly needs Break Effect, SPD, and Energy Regeneration Rate, as those are the stats that help improve her support capabilities the most. Because she is a support character and Break DMG cannot crit, offensive stats such as CRIT and ATK don't contribute anything to her playstyle. Do not invest in those.
When choosing a relic set for Ruan Mei, prioritize reaching 180% Break Effect (160% without Ruan Mei's Inert Respiration trace) first. There is no signature or superior relic set for Ruan Mei, as long as she reaches her stat goals. If you are lacking Break Effect, it may be better to run a relic set that provides more Break Effect, depending on what you need. If you are able to cast Ruan Mei's ultimate often and reach the required amount of Break Effect without a Break Effect relic set, then 4PC Hackerspace is recommended. Otherwise, consider using a 2PC 2PC alternative or even a different set.
For 2PC 2PC combinations, it is recommended to run a 2PC Break Effect set with 2PC Hackerspace. When choosing which Break Effect set to farm, choose the set that is more fuel-efficient. If you need the Pioneer (debuff) set, farm for Watchmaker. If you need the Boxing (physical) set, farm for Thief. If you need the Valorous (FUA) set, farm for Iron Cavalry.
4PC Relic Recommendations
Increases SPD by 6%. When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn.
- Increases personal SPD
- Increases SPD for all allies (about 25%-33% uptime)
- Only recommended if you have enough Break Effect, SPD, and ultimate uptime
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%. Increases SPD by 6%.
- Increases Break Effect
- Increases SPD
- Recommended if you need a balance of additional SPD and Break Effect
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 32%. When the wearer inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, regenerates 3 Energy.
- Greatly increases Break Effect
- Regenerates energy for Ruan Mei if she breaks the enemy
- Recommended if you are lacking Break Effect and/or ultimate uptime
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%. Increases Break Effect of all allies (including the wearer) by 30% for 2 turns upon using Ultimate.
- Greatly increases Break Effect
- Increases Break Effect for all allies (about 50%-66% uptime)
- Only recommended if you are using a break-focused DPS and if no other ally is using this set
2PC Planar Ornament Recommendations
Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.
- Increases Energy Regeneration Rate
- Allows for higher ultimate uptime and earlier ultimate
- Advances forward at the start of battle
- If Ruan Mei's technique is used, saves 1 skill point
Increases wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. If the wearer is not the first character in the team lineup, then increases the ATK of the first character in the team lineup by 12%.
- Increases Energy Regeneration Rate
- Allows for higher ultimate uptime
- Increases ATK% of the leftmost ally
- Recommended for teams that make use of ATK%, like DoT teams
Increases wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. Increases DMG by 10% for all other allies that are of the same Type as the wearer.
- Increases Energy Regeneration Rate
- Allows for higher ultimate uptime
- Increases DMG% for matching-type teammates
- Recommended if running with an Ice DPS
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 145 or higher, the wearer's Break Effect increases by an extra 20%.
- Increases Break Effect
- Does not provide energy, so ultimate uptime will be lower
- Recommended if using Meshing Cogs
Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 10%. When the wearer's Effect RES is at 30% or higher, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 10%.
- Increases allies' CRIT DMG
- Ruan Mei does not really need Effect RES compared to other stats
Many players may believe that 4PC Watchmaker, the new break-focused relic set released in patch 2.0, is Ruan Mei's new BiS set. However, for general usage, Ruan Mei's other relic set options such as 4PC Messenger Traversing Hackerspace, 2PC Break Effect 2PC Messenger, and 4PC Thief of Shooting Meteor are better options.
4PC Watchmaker is definitely viable for Ruan Mei, but its 4PC passive is only useful in teams with a break-focused DPS, such as Xueyi, Sushang, Firefly, and Boothill. Otherwise, the extra Break Effect is not all that needed. Furthermore, the passive only has about a 50%-60% uptime due to Ruan Mei's ultimate duration. In teams with break-focused DPS characters, though, especially if Ruan Mei is not short on her needed stats, 4PC Watchmaker is definitely a good option to use. However, keep in mind that the 4PC effect does not stack, meaning if you are pairing Ruan Mei with HMC, it is best to choose a different set.
Relic Stats
As mentioned before, Ruan Mei is a support character who is focused on buffing her allies. She is not meant to deal high amounts of damage. This means that it is better to focus on stats that will improve Ruan Mei's support capabilities. Defensive stats as well as supportive stats like SPD are appreciated, and as Ruan Mei scales off Break Effect, you will obviously need some Break Effect on your relics. It is very important to reach the recommended 180% (160% without Ruan Mei's Inert Respiration trace) Break Effect.
For Ruan Mei's chest piece and planar sphere, choose whichever relic has better substats. HP and DEF are both equally needed for Ruan Mei. For her link rope, it is better to use an ERR rope, as Ruan Mei requires a lot of energy to optimize her ultimate uptime. However, if you are lacking Break Effect, or if you don't have an ERR rope, using a BE rope for the time being is fine. In most cases, however, using an ERR rope is required for Ruan Mei.
Relic Substat Priority
Break Effect should be the most prioritized relic substat, as most of Ruan Mei's kit revolves around Break Effect. Ruan Mei needs at least 180% Break Effect in total in order to maximize her passive. Ruan Mei's Inert Respiration trace does not take effect until you are in battle, so technically, you only need 160% Break Effect. More Break Effect is generally always better as long as you're not sacrificing other stats.
SPD should also be prioritized, as it allows Ruan Mei to have more turns per cycle, which allows for more SP generation due to Ruan Mei's SP positivity. At least 143 SPD is recommended. Ruan Mei has a total of 134 SPD from her traces and SPD boots, so 143 SPD can be obtainable with a few substat rolls and/or 2PC SPD set. Like Break Effect, more SPD is better as long as you are not sacrificing other stats. Ruan Mei does not necessarily need a lot of SPD, and she definitely does not have a high SPD requirement (i.e. 161+), but it is helpful for teams who have SP-hungry characters.
Some players may opt for a slower Ruan Mei build for rare scenarios like zero-cycle runs or to keep her ultimate up for longer, but in general, more SPD is better. It should generally not be prioritized over Break Effect, though, unless your team is severely lacking in skill points.
Defensive stats such as Effect RES, HP, and DEF are also helpful for Ruan Mei. In combat, she wants to get hit a couple times in order to gain energy, meaning survivability is important to her. With some defensive stats, Ruan Mei's survivability will naturally increase. However, keep in mind that Break Effect and SPD should be prioritized over these stats.
Energy Requirements
Ruan Mei requires as much energy as she can, as her ultimate is extremely valuable for her team. As mentioned before, it is ideal to cast a 3T ultimate for as much uptime as possible. However, 3T ultimate is difficult to achieve, so a 4T ultimate is fine as well if you are lacking in Break Effect. Below are some energy and light cone combinations to determine if you can achieve a 3T or 4T ultimate with Ruan Mei.
A special case is if you have Huohuo on your team. Huohuo will lower your rotation by one turn.
Note that to achieve 124.4% ER, you must use an ERR rope and Penacony/Vonwacq/Lushaka. To achieve 119.4% ER, you must use an ERR rope. To achieve 105% ER, you must use Penacony/Vonwacq/Lushaka.
Total Energy | Light Cone | Turns to Cast Ultimate | Notes |
124.4% | S1 PSiM | 4 | With this build, you may need to be hit once or twice to achieve 3T ult. This build is highly recommended because it allows you to focus on Energy Regeneration, and it is the most SP positive among the ones listed here. |
119.4% | S1 PSiM | 4 | With this build, you may need to be hit once or twice to achieve 3T ult. It is not recommended to use this build unless you cannot reach 160% Break Effect. |
124.4% | S5 MotP | 3 | This build is highly recommended, as you can comfortably 3T ult with this build without losing out on the necessary Break Effect. |
119.4% | S5 MotP | 4 | With this build, you may need to be hit once or twice to achieve 3T ult. |
124.4% | S3 MotP | 4 | With this build, you will only need to be hit once to achieve 3T ult. |
119.4% | S3 MotP | 4 | With this build, you may need to be hit once or twice to achieve 3T ult. |
124.4% | S5 Meshing Cogs | 3 | While this build achieves 3T ult, you may be lacking in Break Effect. If you have less than 170% Break Effect with this build, use Talia/BE rope instead. |
119.4% | S5 Meshing Cogs | 4 | If you are lacking in Break Effect, it is recommended to use this build. You will be able to have more Break Effect, and you will only need to be hit once to achieve 3T ult. |
100% | S5 Meshing Cogs | 4 | You can use this build if you are severely lacking in Break Effect. However, if you are able to reach the minimum 160% Break Effect without Talia/BE rope, use Penacony/Vonwacq/Lushaka/ERR rope instead. |
124.4% | Other | 4 | This build will comfortably put you at 4T ult, but you may be lacking in Break Effect. |
119.4% | Other | 4 | This build will comfortably put you at 4T ult, and with 2PC Talia, it will help you reach the necessary Break Effect. |
105% | Other | 4-5 | This rotation is inconsistent and is generally not recommended. |
In the following gameplay example, a 3T ultimate is possible with S1 PSiM because Ruan Mei got hit and obtained energy. In a realistic scenario, Ruan Mei will usually obtain energy via getting hit and defeating enemies with her additional Break damage. Therefore, builds where Ruan Mei needs to be hit once to achieve a 3T ultimate are highly recommended and are much more feasible to achieve.
Keep in mind that in almost all scenarios, in order to obtain a 3T or 4T ultimate, it is necessary to use an ERR rope. Ruan Mei prioritizes ERR above all else, so having a high amount of energy is crucial in order to keep her Ultimate uptime high. The only exception to this is for E6 Ruan Mei or for fast clears where the battle ends before Ruan Mei's ultimate runs out.
Stat Goals
In general, the above are Ruan Mei's recommended stat goals. However, based on each player's circumstances, their stat needs will be different. The above image serves as a guide, but based on your playstyle, it may be beneficial to opt for different stats. For example, for fast endgame clears, a slow Ruan Mei with no ERR rope might be preferable so that her Ultimate would not run out and she deals more personal damage. In Break teams, other teammates may provide Break Effect to other allies in combat, so less Break Effect might be needed. Some teams might have SP-hungry characters, so a faster Ruan Mei might be beneficial. Pay attention to your team's needs, and build Ruan Mei accordingly.
Advanced Team Goals
For high-investment teams that are able to zero-cycle MOC, full-score PF, or achieve other similar top-level clearances in various endgame modes, it may be worth considering a "Slow Ruan Mei" for Ruan Mei. This generally applies to E6 Ruan Mei, but it can also apply to any invested team with any level of Ruan Mei. This build is only recommended for speedruns and not for general usage.
To achieve a "Slow Mei" build, Ruan Mei would need to equip the Sprightly Vonwacq planar set, achieve at least 120 SPD while also being slower than the rest of her teammates, and focus on having as much Break Effect as possible.
Why does this work? In all cases, Ruan Mei's ultimate holds a lot of value, and it's ideal to keep her ultimate up as long as possible. In a normal scenario, this can be achieved by aiming for a 3T ultimate by using an ERR rope, and ERR planar sets. However, this will result in one turn without an ultimate. In other words, in normal scenario, Ruan Mei's ultimate will have about a 66.7% uptime. When trying to achieve top scores in endgame modes, it is crucial to aim for 100% uptime on Ruan Mei's ultimate.
To achieve this, Ruan Mei can take less turns so that her ultimate does not run out. By keeping Ruan Mei's SPD low, if the battle ends quickly, her ultimate will not run out within the entire duration of the battle. Sprightly Vonwacq serves as a way to have Ruan Mei's ultimate up at the beginning of the battle before other allies attack. Afterwards, she should take as few turns as possible within the entire duration of the battle.
Keep in mind that this build does not work for mid-investment teams that cannot achieve top scores in endgame modes. While Ruan Mei's ultimate lasts longer, her downtime as after her ultimate runs out also lasts longer. It is only recommended for teams that can clear content before Ruan Mei's ultimate runs out.
What are the benefits of the "Slow Mei" build? Apart from a potential 100% uptime on Ruan Mei's ultimate, more Break Effect can be invested into Ruan Mei, allowing for more personal damage from Ruan Mei. While Ruan Mei no longer acts as a SP generator for the team, the value from her ultimate being up for the entirety of the battle, as well as more damage, make this build viable for endgame players who wish to achieve high scores in various endgame modes, mainly MOC.
Due to her universal buffs, such as SPD increase, DMG% increase, and All-Type RES PEN decrease on enemies, Ruan Mei can fit in most teams and can effectively support most DPS characters. If you're wondering if Ruan Mei can work well with your main DPS, the answer is yes if they're not Clara. Even characters who don't benefit as much from Break Effect still benefit form Ruan Mei due to her strong buffs. Below are some characters who work particularly well with Ruan Mei.
Notable Synergies
Character | Notes |
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Asta is a great budget option to use with Ruan Mei. She naturally has incredible toughness damage, so she can break very often, which goes well with Ruan Mei's kit. Fire characters also have a high break multiplier, so a higher break effect allows for more break damage. Furthermore, both Asta and Ruan Mei buff speed, so you will be able to have several turns before the enemy does. Another great thing about Asta is that she buffs ATK% while Ruan Mei buffs DMG%, which allows for less diminishing returns. |
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Silver Wolf is a teammate who will pair well with Ruan Mei. Her main gimmick revolves around weakness implant, and Ruan Mei is focused around teams who will break the enemy. Silver Wolf guarantees that your team will be able to break the enemy and use Ruan Mei to her full potential. Also, Silver Wolf's DEF shred is valuable, and she deals a decent amount of toughness break damage herself. She especially shines with Ruan Mei when using a break effect-focused build. |
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Xueyi gains a DMG boost based on her Break Effect, a stat that Ruan Mei increases for her allies. Furthermore, Xueyi's ultimate deals Toughness DMG regardless of their weakness element, which allows for easier breaking of the enemy. Xueyi is also a 4-star character, making her more accessible for F2P players. |
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Sushang benefits from Break Effect, and she benefits greatly from enemies being weakness broken, making her a great option to go with Ruan Mei. Additionally, Sushang has high Weakness Break Efficiency, which allows her to break often. Physical characters also have a high break multiplier, so a higher break effect allows for more break damage. Furthermore, Sushang is a 4-star character, which means she is more accessible for F2P players. |
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Kafka works extremely well with Ruan Mei. This is because Ruan Mei's buffs, such as RES PEN and DMG%, affect DoT, and DoT still occurs while enemies are weakness broken. Furthermore, breaking enemies also triggers DoT, and Ruan Mei allows her allies to break more often. |
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Welt deals 20% more DMG to enemies inflicted with Weakness Break, making him a great option to pair with Ruan Mei. He also slows enemies, which is a great utility to have and one that synergizes quite well with Ruan Mei. Ruan Mei's Weakness Break and SPD buffs paired with Welt's Slow debuffs make a great team. |
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Misha is a new 4-star Ice DPS character for patch 2.0. He benefits from the Penacony, Land of Dreams relic set on Ruan Mei as an Ice DMG dealer. Furthermore, due to his rarity, he is considered a budget option who is more accessible for F2P players. While he doesn't exactly benefit from Ruan Mei's Break Effect buffs, his ultimate, which can freeze enemies, can help further delay enemy actions. |
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Gallagher was introduced as the first break-focused Abundance character for patch 2.1. His kit allows enemies to receive more break DMG, and allies receive additional healing based on his Break Effect. With Ruan Mei on the team, who increases Break Effect and Weakness Break Efficiency, Gallagher's support capabilities are enhanced. |
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Harmony Trailblazer is a new free Harmony character for patch 2.2, as part of the Trailblazer's newest path switch. They work hand in hand with Ruan Mei as a powerful support duo for break-focused DPS characters. Ruan Mei's Weakness Break efficiency buff, Weakness Break extension, and Break Effect boost pairs especially well with HMC's Toughness Reduction buff, Break Effect boost, and Super Break. Their buffs don't have much overlap, which means they don't suffer from diminishing returns. When using a break-focused DPS character, using both HMC and Ruan Mei is a must. |
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Boothill is the first limited 5-star character who is focused on break mechanics, released in patch 2.2. He gains Pocket Trickshot by breaking the enemy weakness, and Ruan Mei's Weakness Break Efficiency will mean Boothill can gain and maintain Pocket Trickshot stacks more efficiently. Boothill also implants Physical Weakness during his ultimate, allowing him to make better use of Ruan Mei's break-focused buffs. Physical characters also have a high break multiplier, so a higher break effect allows for more break damage. |
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Firefly is the second break-focused limited 5-star character, releasing in patch 2.3 alongside Ruan Mei's first rerun. Her damage is reliant on Break and Super Break mechanics, and she also can implant Fire Weakness and reduce the Toughness of enemies without Fire Weakness. As Firefly greatly benefits from enemies being Weakness Broken, Ruan Mei's Weakness Break efficiency buffs, Weakness Break extension, and Break Effect boost are very much needed buffs for Firefly. While these two characters may not get along lore-wise, they are inseparable teammates in combat! |
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March 7th (Hunt) makes her path switch debut in patch 2.4. In her new swordswoman-in-training form, she takes on the role as a sub-DPS whose main source of damage comes from her Enhanced Basic Attack. March 7th can be built as either a crit-focused or break-focused sub-DPS, as she can deal high amounts of Toughness damage (even being able to reduce Toughness bars that have the same weakness as her Shifu) as well as raw damage from her EBA. With Ruan Mei on her team (not as her Shifu, though!), March's damage output and Toughness reduction capabilities are greatly enhanced. |
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Lingsha is the second break-focused healer, released in patch 2.5. As a Fire Abundance character who is focused on break mechanics, Lingsha will often draw comparisons to Gallagher. However, she has her own unique mechanics as well, such as FUA, frequent teamwide cleanse, and decent sub-DPS damage. She also allows for more Break DMG upon using her ultimate, which pairs well with Ruan Mei. As a character who benefits from Break Effect and deals decent Toughness damage on her own, Lingsha makes great use of Ruan Mei's buffs and is a great addition to Super Break teams. Outside of break teams, Lingsha can also act as an alternative to Aventurine due to her being a FUA sustain. |
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Rappa is the third break-focused limited 5-star character, released in patch 2.6. Much like Firefly has her damage reliant on Break and Super Break damage, Rappa also has a large majority of her damage coming from the same sources. Rappa can also make good use of Ruan Mei's RES PEN and Weakness Break Efficiency buffs for the same reason as Firefly. Therefore, Ruan Mei is an essential teammate in Rappa teams. |
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Fugue is the second unit in the game who allows allies to deal Super Break damage, meaning Fugue will be exceptionally good in any Break team as an alternative to HMC, especially if a different path for the Trailblazer is being used. Apart from Super Break, Fugue also provides a secondary toughness bar, "Cloudflame Luster," which can be broken a second time. This triggers Ruan Mei's additional break damage from her talent a second time, increasing Ruan Mei's personal damage in break teams. |
Notable Anti-Synergies
Below are some characters who don't synergize as well with Ruan Mei. However, these characters (except Clara and Yunli) can still be used with Ruan Mei, and Ruan Mei can still be a top teammate pick for them. They will just need a little more consideration when being used with Ruan Mei. The only characters who truly do not work with Ruan Mei are Clara and Yunli.
Character | Notes |
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Clara is one character who absolutely won't work with Ruan Mei. Clara relies on getting hit in order to counter enemies, but Ruan Mei helps keep enemies weakness broken. If enemies are broken, then Clara can't get hit. |
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Yunli doesn't work with Ruan Mei for the same reasons Clara doesn't work with Ruan Mei. To maximize her damage output, Yunli relies on getting hit to counter enemies, which means that she does not want enemies to stay weakness broken. |
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Himeko isn't the most anti-synergistic with Ruan Mei due to the fact that she wants to break as many enemies as possible. However, Ruan Mei also extends Weakness Break (her "second break" from her Thanatoplum Rebloom does not add any stacks for Himeko), which means that it will take longer for Himeko to gain stacks and trigger her follow-up attack. She can still be used with Ruan Mei because she benefits from Weakness Break buffs, but she will have a harder time gaining stacks. |
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Seele is also in a similar boat as Himeko. She isn't the most anti-synergistic with Ruan Mei, and she greatly benefits from her buffs, making Ruan Mei a top pick for Seele. However, Ruan Mei's Thanatoplum Rebloom from her ultimate can accidentally "steal" Seele's kills, preventing Seele from triggering her Resurgence passive. This can be worked around, but it needs to be considered when using Ruan Mei and Seele together. |
Team Composition Examples
Below are some example team compositions for Ruan Mei. These are not the only team compositions that can be used with Ruan Mei; as mentioned before, she is an incredibly flexible unit. Rather, these teams are some notable examples to provide a general idea of how to use Ruan Mei in various team compositions. For team slots that specify a position rather than a specific character, any character who fits that role would work.
Super Break
Kafka DoT
Dual Carry
Hyper Break
A Hyper Break team is a very unique (and generally premium) team composition that has an extremely high damage output at the cost of having less or no sustain. However, this cost is very well worth due to the nature of Break teams. Break mechanics allow for innate defense due to action delays, weakness break, advanced actions, etc. that prevent the enemy from attacking allies. Ruan Mei herself delays enemies' actions with her Thanatoplum Rebloom passive, and she increases allies' Weakness Break Efficiency, allowing allies to easily break enemies and keep them broken. If played properly, very little to no sustain is needed.
By utilizing supports that completely buff the Break DPS, the Break DPS can deal massive amounts of damage. Using two Super Break characters will greatly increase Super Break damage, as Super Break can stack, and Ruan Mei's buffs will only make that damage ceiling even higher.
However, this team composition is considered very premium, as it requires people to pull for a second Super Break character. Most people do not see the need to pull for another Super Break character, as HMC is already a free and very strong Super Break character on their own. Some people who do pull for a second Super Break character also do not intend to use both in the same team composition, as the Trailblazer has other playable paths.
Still, for those who want to challenge themselves and aim for fast endgame clears with high damage output from their Break DPS, a Hyper Break team is a great team composition to use.
Character Comparisons
Ruan Mei may be the first limited 5-star Harmony character, but she isn't the only Harmony or support character in the game. There are many other great characters to use, and many may wonder how she may compare to those characters.
Character | Notes |
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Asta is a popular Harmony option for many players due to her being completely free to obtain. Despite being a budget-friendly character, Asta provides a lot of value due to her ATK% buffs and her huge flat SPD boost from her ultimate. While Ruan Mei and Asta may seem similar due to the fact that they both provide buffs and increase SPD, they are quite different. Ruan Mei buffs DMG%, while Asta buffs ATK%. This makes Asta someone who runs very well with Ruan Mei, rather than someone to be replaced by Ruan Mei. |
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Pela is a Nihility character, while Ruan Mei is a Harmony character. However, as both are Ice supports, they may be compared quite often, especially for Ice DMG-focused teams. Because Ruan Mei and Pela are both different characters who provide different things, it is again recommended to run them together if possible. However, if you must choose one or the other, choose whoever benefits your DPS more. Ruan Mei buffs Break Effect and Weakness Break Efficiency, which might be more valuable to certain characters. |
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Harmony Trailblazer, a free character introduced in patch 2.2, can be seen as a "discount Ruan Mei" of sorts at first glance, as both are Harmony characters who focus on break-related buffs. However, they both provide something unique to the table. Along with Ruan Mei's generic teamwide buffs, such as RES PEN and DMG increase, Ruan Mei also provides Weakness Break extension and prolonged Weakness Break efficiency buffs. HMC's main gimmick is their Super Break, a new mechanic following their release. Because the two characters both benefit break-focused characters but provide different buffs, it is better to run the two together. When using a break-focused DPS character, it is strongly recommended to run HMC and Ruan Mei in the team. |
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Robin joins Ruan Mei and Sparkle as the third limited 5-star Harmony character following patch 2.2. While every limited Harmony character shines in their specific specialty (Ruan Mei for break, Sparkle for hypercarry, and Robin for FUA), they are all great for general-use as well. Sparkle is mainly hypercarry-focused due to her single-target buffs, but Robin and Ruan Mei both provide teamwide buffs. Obviously, Ruan Mei is the better option for break-related teams, while Robin is the better option for FUA teams. For DoT comps, Ruan Mei still surpasses Robin despite Ruan Mei's Weakness Break extension and Robin's teamwide advance being similarly beneficial for DoT, mainly because of Ruan Mei's RES PEN. For hypercarry, Robin allows for a higher damage ceiling at the cost of more SP. Ruan Mei is much more SP friendly than Robin, though Robin's hypercarry buffs are stronger than Ruan Mei's due to her crit buffs. Still, what's better than one amazing Harmony character? Two amazing Harmony characters! It never hurts to expand your support roster, and you will always need multiple strong units for endgame modes that require multiple teams, such as MOC, AS, and PF. |
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Jiaoqiu's amplifying abilities are strictly inferior to that of Ruan Mei in most cases. However, Jiaoqiu also has a DoT effect in his kit, meaning he is a contender for the third slot in a Kafka/Black Swan team. Even with his DoT, though, Ruan Mei is superior for overall team damage at equal investment levels. It is only after E2 that Jiaoqiu will be better than Ruan Mei, due to the increase in base Motion Value that is provided by Jiaoqiu's E2. |
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Fugue is a Break-oriented support unit, so some people may consider replacing Ruan Mei with Fugue and run Harmony Trailblazer and Fugue in the same team. However, the damage output of the team will be worse due to the lack of the RES PEN and the Weakness Break Efficiency provided by Ruan Mei. In any case, it is strongly recommended to run either Fugue or Harmony Trailblazer alongside Ruan Mei in a Break team and to not replace Ruan Mei with either Super Break enablers. |
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Fugue E1 provides a 50% Weakness Break Efficiency boost to a single ally via her "Foxian Prayer" buff. Ruan Mei also provides a 50% Weakness Break Efficiency boost to her team at E0. However, Fugue's buff is only applicable to one ally character, whereas Ruan Mei's buff is teamwide. This means that while the primary Break DPS will enjoy the same buffs, the sub-DPS (i.e. Lingsha, Gallagher, HMC) would not receive a Weakness Break Efficiency buff with Fugue. Furthermore, switching out Ruan Mei means losing out on valuable buffs such as RES PEN and SPD, which will also lower your team's overall damage output. That being said, if your Break DPS is very vertically invested compared to the rest of the team (e.g. E2S1 Firefly), then replacing Ruan Mei with E1 Fugue may be a better alternative. The higher investment would mean that said unit will contribute a majority of your team's damage, and thus, using a single-target buffer may lead to more overall team damage even if it means sacrificing damage on your sub-DPS and sustain characters. |
Frequently Asked Questions
If you didn't read through this guide thoroughly, you probably don't know the answers to these commonly asked questions, but don't worry. If you just skipped to the end to find the answers to these questions, we've got you covered.
E1 or Signature Light Cone?
Ruan Mei's E1 is highly recommended over her light cone. There are a couple great alternatives to Ruan Mei's signature light cone, and at high superimpositions, they may even outperform Ruan Mei's light cone. This is because Ruan Mei's light cone does not provide enough energy to ensure a 3T ult, and the Break Effect it gives at S1 is comparable to the amount of Break Effect S5 Memories of the Past gives.
Conversely, Ruan Mei's E1 is incredibly valuable. As her best eidolon, it ignores 20% DEF during Ruan Mei's ultimate. This is basically like having 4PC Genius of Brilliant Stars, which is a popular relic set for even non-Quantum DPS characters. That's how good DEF shred is.
ERR or BE rope?
It is recommended to run an ERR rope over a BE rope. Ruan Mei's ultimate is very valuable and provides All-Type RES PEN, a very helpful buff. Energy Regeneration is also not easily obtained, as it cannot be gained via relic substats. The only relic with an Energy Regeneration main stat is the link rope, so that is the only Energy Regeneration you can possibly obtain via relics.
Break Effect, on the other hand, can be obtained via relic substats, relic passives, and Ruan Mei's traces. It is not difficult to reach the recommended 160% without a BE rope.
Because Ruan Mei's ultimate is so powerful, it is highly recommended to have as much Energy Regeneration as possible. This is why ERR rope is recommended over BE rope.
The only exception to this is for fast clears (i.e. zero-cycle runs) where the battle ends before Ruan Mei's ultimate ends. This would usually require a slow Ruan Mei with Vonwacq.
Is 4PC Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations Ruan Mei's new BiS set?
The short answer is: no, 4PC Watchmaker is not Ruan Mei's BiS. For general usage, Ruan Mei's other relic set options such as 4PC Messenger Traversing Hackerspace, 2PC Break Effect 2PC Messenger, and 4PC Thief of Shooting Meteor are better options. 4PC Watchmaker is definitely viable, but its 4PC passive is only useful in teams with a break-focused DPS, such as Xueyi, Sushang, Firefly, and Boothill. Otherwise, the extra Break Effect is not all that needed.
Furthermore, the passive only has about a 50%-60% uptime due to Ruan Mei's ultimate duration, and the 4PC passive does not stack, meaning only one ally can use this set. Since HMC will usually be the one using this set, and they'll often be paired with Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei has no need to use this set.
Is 3T Ult Really Necessary?
While a 3T ult is optimal, it's not necessary. It is better to focus on achieving the minimum amount of Break Effect (160%) before focusing on achieving a 3T ult. However, even if you cannot achieve a 3T ult, still aim for as high ultimate uptime as possible. Ruan Mei's ultimate is very valuable, so the more you can cast your ultimate, the better.
How much Break Effect can I sacrifice for 3T Ult?
It is recommended to first aim for 160% Break Effect, then to focus on 3T ult. If you have less than 150% Break Effect, it is better to settle for a 4T ult instead, as losing out on the recommended Break Effect negatively affects Ruan Mei more than having less ultimate uptime. However, it is not recommended to settle for anything more than a 4T ult. A 5T ult is not recommended, and using an ERR rope is still recommended over a Break Effect rope. You can see what combination of light cones and ERR works best for you in our Energy Requirements section.
How much Break Effect is too much?
While the recommended minimum Break Effect is 160%, you can definitely have more Break Effect. There is no limit to how much Break Effect to have, but you should not be sacrificing other stats for Break Effect. Once you hit 160% Break Effect, focus on other stats; if you have extra Break Effect to spare even after hitting the recommended stats, that's perfectly fine.
Can I run a Break Effect rope?
In all situations, a Break Effect rope should only be used if you do not have an ERR rope. This goes for when you cannot reach 160% Break Effect as well. Even with other energy sources, having an ERR rope is still recommended. It is generally more beneficial for your team to cast Ruan Mei's ultimate more often, and an ERR rope is the largest source of energy for any character. Sacrificing over 19% energy for more Break Effect, which is a stat that can be obtained via relic substats, is not worth it. The only exception for this is if you are willing to 4T ult with S5 Meshing Cogs.
Closing & Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Ruan Mei is a strong buffer who can fit in any team. She is future-proof and will remain a strong unit even in later patches. She is slightly costly, and she isn't meant to replace other Harmony units, but she shines in her own way. Also, it gives players a chance to invest in a stat that wasn't commonly invested in before.
Huge thanks to our Theorycrafting Team for their work in creating this guide! From working on calculations to answering questions, their contributions have been invaluable.
This guide will be updated as future content updates and changes Ruan Mei's recommended playstyle. Thanks for reading, and we hope you found this guide helpful!